Confidential HIV TESTING
You can stop by our Prevention and Outreach Center anytime to receive a free, rapid HIV test. Your tester will offer pre and post-test counseling and talk to you about safe practices regarding sex and drug use. LivWell’s rapid HIV tests use a fingerstick to collect a small amount of blood which is then tested and produces a result in 1 minute.
Anyone who tests positive can receive an immediate referral to medical care of their choice and can soon after be enrolled in services such as case management, housing, and mental health.
LivWell also regularly provides HIV testing within the community. If you are interested in testing at one of our events, you can follow our Facebook page or call the Prevention and Outreach Center to see where we’ll be! We regularly provide HIV testing at the following locations.
- Murray State University
- Family Service Society
- Marshall Resiliency Center
- Turning Point
- Paducah Beer Werks

LivWell now offers STI testing, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and hepatitis c!
If you are experiencing any symptoms that you believe might be STI-related or if you are currently pregnant, we ask that you visit your primary care provider or the health department for testing.
With the exception of hepatitis c, all STI tests require active insurance. You must have the card accessible, either a physical card or a digital copy. We cannot accept out-of-state Medicaid at this time.
Including all paperwork, you should plan for STI tests to take up to one hour.
Specimen Collection:
Syphilis and hepatitis c are both collected through fingerstick- similar to our HIV tests.
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are both collected at three sites- oral swab, anal swab, and a urine sample. Your tester will walk you through how to self-collect these samples.
Your results for syphilis and hepatitis C are instant- about 15 minutes.
Your samples for chlamydia and gonorrhea will be sent to the lab for processing. Once your results are ready, typically within a week, our medical department will call you to discuss your results.
At this time, LivWell can only offer treatment for STIs for patients who are currently HIV+. If you test positive for any STI, LivWell staff will refer you to a provider.